Wind is free and inexhaustible. As a local source of energy, it greatly reduces the costs and dependance on imported fossil fuels. Wind energy makes a significant contribution to clean energy (Kyoto Protocol) and is one of the most developed alternate sources of energy. There are over 200 wind turbines in Burgenland, most of them in the North (Parndorf and Seewinkel) .The provincial government of Burgenland decided that by 2013 all energy in Burgenland should come from renewable energy sources.
The Windpark Weiden am See is one of the best performing wind parks in the area (46.80 MW capacity) and contains over 26 turbines. The new information centre, which is a must for all visitors to the Windpark, can be found under turbine 25. School children, students, holiday guest and delegations can experience wind energy up close and gather information on it.
The information centre is only accessible when accompanied by a guide. Guided tours are offered every Tuesday all year round from 10:00-11:00. Please contact the tourism office in Weiden at least one day in advance 02167/7427
Group bookings can also be made for other times by prior arrangement!